Sunday, April 20, 2008

PsyOps: The American Front in the Terror War

This from the Times: "Behind Military Analysts, The Pentagon's Hidden Hand" 

The Times informs us that "Hidden behind the appearance of objectivity [is] a Pentagon information apparatus that [has] used analysts in a campaign to generate favorable news coverage of the administration's wartime performance..." or achieve what Torrie Clark referred to as "information dominance." 

The Times now thinks that Gens. McCaffery and Downing "serving" on the "Committee for the Liberation of Iraq" might have undermined their claims to "objectivity." They don't call it the "paper of record" for nothing...

Funny, when Col. Sam Gardiner (professor of Strategy at various military institutions) described stories such as the toppling of the Saddam Statue in Firdos Sq. and the rescue of Pvt. Lynch as media plants, and part of a well orchestrated campaign of information warfare directed at the at the American public, what they in the business call PsyOps (DN!, 2 Dec 2004), it was dismissed as "wild conspiracy theory," but now that the Times has conducted an "examination" it passes through the pearly gates of facticity.   

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