Thursday, June 4, 2009

Responses to Obama's Cairo Univerity Speech

PBS round table on Obama Cairo University address:
There links to video and text of the speech.

In the roundtable As'ad AbuKhalil points out the contradiction of singing the song of democracy and human rights after a stopping off in Saudi Arabia, a kingdom where public beheading is still common.

Andrew Bacevich responds to Obama's address on KQED's Forum.

Max Blumenthal's shocking footage of the reaction by some Israelis and American Jews in Jerusalem to Obama's speech to the Muslim world.

Joel Beinin, in Jewish Voice for Peace:
An articulate and charismatic President of the United States named Barack Hussein Obama giving a speech at Cairo University co-sponsored by al-Azhar, the most eminent institution of Muslim learning - now that's a new picture. Its enormous symbolic value is President Obama's biggest asset as he implements policy on the entire range of difficult issues he mentioned. The President stated, "Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail." This is an excellent basis for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The President did not provide details on how the conflict should be resolved beyond general support for "two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security." But the meaning of this formulation is now contested due to its empty repetition by presidents and prime ministers whose actions and inactions have undermined it. Instead President Obama emphasized U.S. rejection of "the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements," saying nothing about the future of those settlements already existing and their nearly 500,000 inhabitants. By limiting himself to an apparently pragmatic "first step," President Obama may have made his task harder. If he does not produce concrete results very soon on this limited, albeit it absolutely necessary, measure, then the potential value of his fine words in Cairo will soon diminish.

Joel Beinin

June 4, 2009
Stanford, CA
Chomsky has a similar take:

The Grim Picture of Obama's Middle East

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