Sunday, July 31, 2011

Prashad on the Costs of War

An Economic Draft

The Costs of War

"The impact of war is self-evident, since economically it is exactly the same as if the nation were to drop a part of its capital into the ocean"
-- Karl Marx, Grundrisse, 1857-58.

Acknowledging this obscenity, Ralph Nader wrote in the Chicago Tribune (July 20) that big firms should be judged based on their "corporate patriotism." They like to take tax breaks and be rescued by marines when it suits them, but they are unwilling to invest their untaxed profits to build up the productive capacity in the United States. Corporations, Nader wrote, "receive all the benefits of American corporate personhood and avoid all the expectations of patriotic behavior and the responsibilities that go along with those privileges and immunities." Hand-over-fist they make money in the financial casinos and by defrauding workers across the world. Meanwhile, they are party to the view that the U. S. needs to balance its budget and cut "entitlements" so that the debt can be managed – but without their own positive contribution to that $14.46 trillion hole.


The message from this corner of America is simple: no more bombing houses in Droneland, no more foreclosing houses in America.

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