Apparently Obama's time at Harvard didn't include any courses on international law.
If ever there was a time to move a progressive agenda, I would think the time is now... though I imagine that anything that threatened to alter the a balance of class forces in American society would not go over all that well with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, UBS, and Citigroup (4 of Obama's top 5 contributors, and let's not even begin to talk about "bundlers"... ). Hey, when your in the pocket of Wall Street who needs public financing? You've got to love a guy with the moral courage to stand up for Wall Street... You know who would be a perfect to deal with the housing crisis... how about Robert Rubin, and Jason Furman! (See Naomi Klein's brilliant analysis of "Obama's Chicago Boys"). And if there is one person who could really put the economic screws to Iran its gotta be Madeline Albright, her record on Iraqi sanctions is pretty stellar.
I think we're in for a rough ride...
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