Sunday, December 6, 2009

Political Courage?

Neo-Cons Get Warm and Fuzzy Over "War President"

by Eli Clifton

"For hawks like Kristol, Kagan and Senor who have been calling for a surge in U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan since August, Obama's announcement on Tuesday night was a high-point in their campaign of op-ed's, column's and conference's to push the Obama White House in the direction of an escalation in Afghanistan."
It's interesting how when Obama defies his democratic base he is showing "political courage," but when advances the interests of the system he is simply being "pragmatic," and "moderate."

1 comment:

A Voice From Now said...

This is the third time I've heard this Obama person mentioned. Who is this man?

As for the troops, I was of the opinion that they were headed for Vietnam, not Afghanistan. I don't even know where Afghanistan is.

I'm personally divided on how I feel about the war. On the one hand, we can't allow communism to spread across Southeast Asia. On the other hand, thousands upon thousands of people only a few years older than me are being sent into harm's way.

What can we do?