Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Terry Eagleton, In Praise of Marx

 Terry Eagleton, "In Praise of Marx," The Chronicle Review
The truth is that Marx was no more responsible for the monstrous oppression of the communist world than Jesus was responsible for the Inquisition.

Terry Eagleton is a visiting professor at Lancaster University, in England; the National University of Ireland; and the University of Notre Dame. His latest book, Why Marx Was Right, was just published by Yale University Press.

1 comment:

Kirby Olson said...

Almost every Marxist country committed genocide against some portion of its citizens: The USSR led off with the liquidation of the Kulaks, China had the Cultural Revolution, Cambodia killed a quarter of its population, and so on.

The Inquisition was a Catholic CounterReformation deal that maybe offed like what -- 3000 people in Spain?

How can Eagleton compare 2 million dead in Cambodia to a couple thousand in Spain?

The comparison is absurd.