Disillusion Now
Is There Life After Obamamania?
"In recent weeks, as Obama has struggled to implement policies even more reactionary than Republicans proposed just a few months ago, one might conclude, facetiously but plausibly, that the man is a Republican mole. He is not, of course; not literally. But it is becoming ever more clear that Obama, like most Democrats, is effectively an old school Republican; that he is what a Republican would now be had the party of corporate America not been taken over first by Goldwaterites, then by Reaganites, and now by the useful idiots later-day Reaganites recruited into its ranks.
Obama inspired d
isillusionment has been an unhappy and painful, but potentially salutary, process. Now, having all but run its course, the need is urgent and the time is ripe for the mother of all illusions, the one that sustained the rest – the idea that there is no alternative to capitalism and that attempts to transcend its horizons are bound to come to grief and ultimately to fail -- to pass away as well. That is the only way that even the modest changes liberals thought Obama would bring can come anywhere close to realization."
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