Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Iraqi Front in the Vietnam War

I love the idea of a "post-partisan" politics as much as the next guy, but what if there were  partisan battles still raging whose outcome was not yet determined? What if the Vietnam War (within American society) was still going on, and the main front had just shifted a few thousand miles East? Then what good would a post-partisan politics do us? 

As Dr. King said in speech that got him shot, there is  a deep sickness within American society that leads us to perpetuate gross violence on distant (and some not so distant) societies. If we don't confront that sickness right here and right now, it will simply re-percolate over and over again.  We can't move on from the Vietnam War, because it is still with us. we need leadership. We need to drag these monsters out from under the bed where they can be grappled with honestly. We need someone who can compel us to do what we know we need to do, but are afraid to. We don't want to be told what we want to hear, we want to be told what we don't want to hear, but know we must. This is no time to live like mice. 

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