Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Great Identity Politics Swindle
The Military-Intellecutal Complex
One example of the increasingly intensified and expansive symbiosis between the military-industrial complex and academia was on full display when Robert Gates, the secretary of defense, announced the creation of what he calls a new "Minerva Consortium," ironically named after the goddess of wisdom, whose purpose is to fund various universities to "carry out social-sciences research relevant to national security."(1) Gates's desire to turn universities into militarized knowledge factories producing knowledge, research and personnel in the interest of the Homeland (In)Security State should be of special concern for intellectuals, artists, academics and others who believe that the university should oppose such interests and alignments.
Militarization suggests more than simply a militaristic ideal - with its celebration of war as the truest measure of the health of the nation and the soldier-warrior as the most noble expression of the merging of masculinity and unquestioning patriotism - but an intensification and expansion of the underlying values, practices, ideologies, social relations and cultural representations associated with military culture. What appears new about the amplified militarization of the post-9/11 world is that it has become normalized, serving as a powerful educational force that shapes our lives, memories and daily experiences. As an educational force, military power produces identities, goods, institutions, knowledge, modes of communication and affective investments - in short, it now bears down on all aspects of social life and the social order.
This is how ruling class hegemony is reproduced. This is how the working and middle classes come to internalize the values and interests of society's dominant groups. Perhaps the subaltern, or under-classes are our only hope. Perhaps all the bourgeois theorist of revolution got it all wrong: universities do not constitute an infrastructure of dissent, or sites of revolutionary ferment. Perhaps they are just one more hoop in the great American game know as "gettin mine before you get yours"... Perhaps it is only the 2/3 of Americans who have not experienced that great mind-fuck known as a college education who can effectively distinguish their ass form their elbow.
But alas Henry A. Giroux holds out hope for the revolutionary ideal, and still believes that the university can be reclaimed from the Wall Street and Pentagon swine who currently hold the levers of power (did i mention Condi is coming back to the farm...):
About the author:
While registering the shift in power toward the large-scale pr oduction of death, disposability and exclusion, a new understanding of the meaning and purpose of higher education must also point to notions of agency, power and responsibility that operate in the service of life, democratic struggles and the expansion of human rights.Finally, if higher education is to come to grips with the multilayered pathologies produced by militarization, it will have to rethink not merely the space of the university as a democratic public sphere, but also the global space in which intellectuals, educators, students, artists, labor unions and other social actors and movements can form transnational alliances to oppose the death-dealing ideology of militarization and its effects on the world - including violence, pollution, massive poverty, racism, the arms trade, growth of privatized armies, civil conflict, child slavery and the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As the Bush regime comes to an end, it is time for educators and students to take a stand and develop global organizations that can be mobilized in the effort to supplant a culture of war with a culture of peace, whose elemental principles must be grounded in relations of economic, political, cultural and social democracy and the desire to sustain human life.
Henry A. Giroux holds the Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University in Canada. His most recent books include: "Take Back Higher Education" (co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux, 2006), "The University in Chains: Confronting the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex" (2007), and "Against the Terror of Neoliberalism: Politics Beyond the Age of Greed" (2008).More from Prof Giroux on the "crisis of actually existing democracy."
Robert Gates? How is this "Change"?
It is now abundantly clear that "change" was merely a vacuous slogan which the Power Elite used to engineer continuity. Obama is a pawn of the vested interests.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What could be better than a "Green Deal"?
Davis offers a warning: beware of the "green bubble" and eco-profiteers. The problem is capitalism.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The State of Exception Continues
Looting the Treasury on the Way out the door
Naomi Klein on the thieves in high-places and the futility of the electoral process:
Unfortunately for the market, voters have just voted for change. They voted for a candidate who really turned the election into a referendum on this economic policy of rampant deregulation. So you’ve really got a problem here. How do you reconcile the market’s desire for status quo with the voters’ demand for real change? There is no way to do that without a few bumps along the way. And I’m quite concerned that what we’re seeing from Obama’s team is an accepting of this logic that they need to give the market what it wants, which is continuity, smooth transition, which is really just code for more of the same. And when you hear names like Larry Summers being bandied about for Treasury Secretary, that’s feeding the market exactly what it wants, which is more of the same.
Barack Obama turned his election campaign into a referendum on the mania for deregulation and free trade and really less trickle-down economics. He said the idea of giving more and more to the people at the top and waiting for it to trickle down to the people below, and that really resonated with voters, and they elected him on that platform. And let’s remember, Amy, because this really is about democracy, that his campaign turned around when the economic crisis really hit Wall Street. He was losing ground to McCain when the crisis hit Wall Street, and Obama started using this language of really putting the ideology of deregulation on trial. That’s when his numbers turned around. That’s when he went on his winning streak that took him all the way to Election Day.
Yeah, this bailout is really not a bailout at all; it’s a parting gift to the people that the Bush—that George Bush once referred to jokingly as “my base.” You know, in one of my columns recently, I likened it to what European colonial rulers used to do when they finally realized they had to hand over power; they would loot the treasury on the way out the door.
You know, I always think about what the International Monetary Fund does when developing countries come and ask for a loan. Think about what they’re doing right now. The International Monetary Fund says, “You want a loan? Well, here’s our list of conditions.” They used to call it structural adjustment. The same thing could be done to the auto industry. If they’re coming for a bailout, they should be structurally adjusted, and taxpayers should be playing IMF to the auto industry and insisting that they change the way they work, that they build green automobiles, that they protect jobs. It can’t simply be a blank check.
Economists with Guns
Review Published by H-Diplo on 10 November 2008
Change you can predict?

Talk about government of AIPAC, by AIPAC, and for AIPAC. Wow:
First Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden as Veep, Rahm Israel Emanuel as CoS, Hillary "let's build and Apartheid Wall and invade Iraq" Clinton as SecState, and Joe "let's save Western Civ from Islamo-Fascism" Leiberman as a top "Dem" on the hill... Where will "AIPAC's lawyer" Dennis Ross (the one who wrote Obama's AIPAC speech) end up?
oh but not to worry, Obama's read Team of Rivals... so he has a healthy respect for having diversity of opinions around him: I'm sure a breakthrough in America's relationship with the Mid East is just around the corner.... "change" (you can believe in) is coming. i'm sure Rashid Khalidi, Ali Abunimah, Bob Malley, Bill Quandt, Bill and Kathleen Christi will be given a "seat at the table" and will be able to "balance out" out the AIPAC hawks in the room... yeah, and I've got a mortgage backed security to sell you.... what was it they were were so fond of saying back in the 60s, something about, "we turned a corner," or something about a "light at the end of the tunnel," or "critical turning point" .... something like that. something to the effect of: just be patient, "change" is coming, we're winning, so sit down, shut up and don't ask any questions...
but you know, on second thought, maybe the Dems are right. Bipartisanship IS, after all, a supreme virtue. how else would we have gotten the joys of the Cold War, the GWOT, the Patriot Act, the $700 billion bank heist, ect.... Maybe we shouldn't "look back, we want to look forward," right? yeah that's great logic. why would anyone ever want to look backward? What could you possibly learn by looking backward? Forget about the past. the past is over. It has nothing to do with the present. What good could possibly come from looking back to (say) america's experience with Vietnam? The Phillipines, El Salvador, or countless other places (Alabama, Ukiah, etc...)? What could we possibly learn by looking at those sad and "divisive" experiences in American history? Can't the Republicans and the "Me Too Party" just get along? Why on earth should a "people of plenty" ever become engaged in any kind of social conflict?
The Christisons are not exactly enamoured with this logic.
Bill and Kathleen Christison are ashamed to say that years ago they were both analysts with the CIA. In recent years Bill has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies, while Kathleen for over 30 years has written on Middle East Affairs. She is the author of two books on Palestinians and U.S. policy on Palestine-Israel. Bill and Kathleen visit Palestine frequently and are joint authors of a book, forthcoming in mid-2009 from Pluto Press, on the Israeli occupation and its impact on Palestinians, with over 50 of their photographs.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Paul Craig Roberts defends the "Real Economy"
GM’s divisions in Canada and Germany are asking those governments for help. It will be something if Canada and Germany come through for the American automaker and the American government doesn’t.
Conservative talking heads are saying GM is a “failed business model” unworthy of a $25 billion bailout. These are the same talking heads who favored pouring $700 billion into a failed financial model.
The head of the FDIC is trying to get $25 billion--a measly 3.5 percent of the $700 billion for the banksters--with which to refinance the mortgages of 2 million of the banksters’ victims, and Bush’s Secretary of the Treasury Paulson says no. Why aren’t the Democrats all over this, too?
Apparently, the Democrats still think they are the minority party or else their aim is to supplant the Republicans as the party of the rich.
Any bailout has its downsides. But if America loses its auto industry, it will lose the suppliers as well and will cease to have a manufacturing sector. For years no-think economists have been writing off America’s manufacturing jobs, while deluding themselves and the public with propaganda about a New Economy based on finance.
A country that doesn’t make anything doesn’t need a financial sector as there is nothing to finance.
Budget deficits from 6 years of pointless wars and from unsustainable levels of military spending have helped to flood the world with dollars and to drive down the dollar’s exchange value. Consumers themselves are drowning in debt and can provide no lift to the economy. Millions of the best jobs have been moved offshore, and research, design, and innovation have followed them.
Paulson should rethink the automakers’ and FDIC’s proposals. A bank produces nothing but paper. Automakers produce real things that can be sold. Occupied homes are worth more then empty ones.
Paulson’s inability to see this is the logical outcome of Wall Street thinking that highly values deals made over pieces of paper at the expense of the real economy.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Who Rules America?
For purposes of studying the wealth distribution, economists define wealth in terms of marketable assets, such as real estate, stocks, and bonds, leaving aside consumer durables like cars and household items because they are not as readily converted into cash and are more valuable to their owners for use purposes than they are for resale (Wolff, 2004, p. 4, for a full discussion of these issues). Once the value of all marketable assets is determined, then all debts, such as home mortgages and credit card debts, are subtracted, which yields a person's net worth.He describes a distinct pyramid shaped class structure in America that has proven fairly stable over time. Historically (since the 1920s) the top one percent of American households have controlled between 30% and 40% of the national wealth (with the exception of a few years in the 1970s when that proportion dropped into and below the 20s).
He describes the class structure as of 2001:
In the United States, wealth is highly concentrated in a relatively few hands. As of 2001, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 33.4% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 51%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 84%, leaving only 16% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers).On inheritance:
Figures on inheritance tell much the same story. According to a study published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, only 1.6% of Americans receive $100,000 or more in inheritance. Another 1.1% receive $50,000 to $100,000. On the other hand, 91.9% receive nothing (Kotlikoff & Gokhale, 2000).On taxation (no longer on Domhoff's site) Obama is proposing raising income taxes on the top income bracket from 36% to 39%. This is a very modest increase on what is already a historically low level. This graph ( puts it in perspective:
Historical rates (married couples, filing jointly)
Tax year | Top marginal tax rate (%) | Top marginal tax rate (%) on earned income, if different<1> | Taxable income over-- |
1913 | 7 | 500,000 | |
1914 | 7 | 500,000 | |
1915 | 7 | 500,000 | |
1916 | 15 | 2,000,000 | |
1917 | 67 | 2,000,000 | |
1918 | 77 | 1,000,000 | |
1919 | 73 | 1,000,000 | |
1920 | 73 | 1,000,000 | |
1921 | 73 | 1,000,000 | |
1922 | 58 | 200,000 | |
1923 | 43.5 | 200,000 | |
1924 | 46 | 500,000 | |
1925 | 25 | 100,000 | |
1926 | 25 | 100,000 | |
1927 | 25 | 100,000 | |
1928 | 25 | 100,000 | |
1929 | 24 | 100,000 | |
1930 | 25 | 100,000 | |
1931 | 25 | 100,000 | |
1932 | 63 | 1,000,000 | |
1933 | 63 | 1,000,000 | |
1934 | 63 | 1,000,000 | |
1935 | 63 | 1,000,000 | |
1936 | 79 | 5,000,000 | |
1937 | 79 | 5,000,000 | |
1938 | 79 | 5,000,000 | |
1939 | 79 | 5,000,000 | |
1940 | 81.1 | 5,000,000 | |
1941 | 81 | 5,000,000 | |
1942 | 88 | 200,000 | |
1943 | 88 | 200,000 | |
1944 | 94 <2> | 200,000 | |
1945 | 94 <2> | 200,000 | |
1946 | 86.45 <3> | 200,000 | |
1947 | 86.45 <3> | 200,000 | |
1948 | 82.13 <4> | 400,000 | |
1949 | 82.13 <4> | 400,000 | |
1950 | 84.36 | 400,000 | |
1951 | 91 <5> | 400,000 | |
1952 | 92 <6> | 400,000 | |
1953 | 92 <6> | 400,000 | |
1954 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1955 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1956 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1957 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1958 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1959 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1960 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1961 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1962 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1963 | 91 <7> | 400,000 | |
1964 | 77 | 400,000 | |
1965 | 70 | 200,000 | |
1966 | 70 | 200,000 | |
1967 | 70 | 200,000 | |
1968 | 75.25 | 200,000 | |
1969 | 77 | 200,000 | |
1970 | 71.75 | 200,000 | |
1971 | 70 | 60 | 200,000 |
1972 | 70 | 50 | 200,000 |
1973 | 70 | 50 | 200,000 |
1974 | 70 | 50 | 200,000 |
1975 | 70 | 50 | 200,000 |
1976 | 70 | 50 | 200,000 |
1977 | 70 | 50 | 203,200 |
1978 | 70 | 50 | 203,200 |
1979 | 70 | 50 | 215,400 |
1980 | 70 | 50 | 215,400 |
1981 | 69.125 | 50 | 215,400 |
1982 | 50 | 85,600 | |
1983 | 50 | 109,400 | |
1984 | 50 | 162,400 | |
1985 | 50 | 169,020 | |
1986 | 50 | 175,250 | |
1987 | 38.5 | 90,000 | |
1988 | 28 <8> | 29,750 <8> | |
1989 | 28 <8> | 30,950 <8> | |
1990 | 28 <8> | 32,450 <8> | |
1991 | 31 | 82,150 | |
1992 | 31 | 86,500 | |
1993 | 39.6 | 89,150 | |
1994 | 39.6 | 250,000 | |
1995 | 39.6 | 256,500 | |
1996 | 39.6 | 263,750 | |
1997 | 39.6 | 271,050 | |
1998 | 39.6 | 278,450 | |
1999 | 39.6 | 283,150 | |
2000 | 39.6 | 288,350 | |
2001 | 39.1 | 297,350 | |
2002 | 38.6 | 307,050 | |
2003 | 35 | 311,950 |

As the graph makes clear rates increased to nearly 80% in the 1910s. In the 1920s, they fell to around 25%. FDR raised them to about 60% to fight the Great Depression, then to over 90% to fight WWII. They remained in the in the 80-90% range until JFK/ LBJ lowered them to about 70%, where they sat until Reagan lowered back to 1920s levels (28%). Bush 41 and Clinton pushed them back up to 40%, and Bush 43 brought them back to 35%.
Sociologist Walden Bello ask key questions of the new administration:
The question isn't whether there is space for innovation, but whether Obama will go farther and make transformative moves in the ownership and control of the economy. Will we simply have a return to old-fashioned Keynesianism or will we finally move decisively toward a social democratic regime that truly subordinates the market to society? That he is said to have surrounded himself with Democratic neoliberals like Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, and Paul Volcker is cause for concern but hardly alarm at this point. Obama knows that the vote was a referendum against neoliberalism, whether of the doctrinal Reagan variety or the more pragmatic Clinton kind.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The end of greivance based politics?
David Roediger, a Marxist historian at U Illinois and one of the pioneers of "whiteness studies" analyzes the impact of the Obama victory and remains skeptical of the triumphalism of left, right and center, and cautions against appeals to "change everything, so that nothing may change."
By all accounts the election of an African-American president represents an important historical milestone in the US, but Roediger points to the deep structural inequities which affect Black communities and warns:
To think more precisely about the coexistence in the U.S. of such stark and deadly racial inequalities with the historic triumph of an African American presidential candidate requires that we recognize that racism is more than one thing and that we specify what has changed. The view that Obama heralds the end of race-thinking in the U.S. rests on a particular definition of racism, one that currently very much holds sway in U.S. politics and popular culture. Racism turns, on this view, on bad but disappearing individual attitudes, of the sort that can be measured by whether many or few voters act on those attitudes on election day, or even by the ratings among whites of Oprah Winfrey’s television shows or the sales of products Tiger Woods endorses. Deep structural inequalities may be considered unfortunate, but race is personal.
My recent How Race Survived U.S. History would add that the tremendous influence of African and Latino popular culture, usually in the most highly marketed forms, leaves race seeming more and more a matter of choice and even taste to white young people who came to prefer Obama and his style.However, to chart such changes is also to note their limitations. Race is not a matter of choice for poor people of color in the U.S., who are often “illegal” in terms of immigration status or “in the system” of incarceration and its aftermath. Moreover, the politics of style which attracted white voters to Obama would have been greatly strained if his campaign also included straightforward plans to redress racial inequalities. The resonances of freedom movements by people of color inspired the Obama campaign, but those movements are in considerable disarray. The election therefore told us critical but by no means simple things about the present and future of race in the U.S.
Africana scholar Corey D. B. Williams offers a similar analysis:
The historic nature of Senator Obama’s campaign and election has been justly hailed as a signal event in American politics. Indeed, given the peculiar – to put it gently – history and character of Majoritarian Democracy in the United States coupled with the deep symbolic investments in the Office of the President, Senator Obama’s ascendancy to the nation’s highest political office will rightly be the subject of conversation and debate for many years to come.
Along with a fundamental challenge and transformation of the formal mechanisms of politics – from a domestic policy that leaves citizens unprotected in the face of mounting economic devastation to an ideologically driven economic policy that privileges the wealthy over the needy to a foreign policy that fundamentally reinforces the dictates of empire to a virtually nonexistent environmental policy in the face of a planetary ecological crisis that threatens all of existence – there must be an equally dramatic reconfiguration of power between the American state and the American people.
Thus, while the nation and world breathes a justified sigh of relief, the searing words of Martin Luther King, Jr. serve as a forceful reminder that the work of a just democratic politics has only just begun: “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”
Sunday, November 9, 2008
In October Karl-Diez Verlag sold more than 500 copies of Das Kapital, confirming a trend that began early in 2008."Until 2004, we sold less than 100 copies of Das Kapital per year," Schuetrumpf said. "In the 10 months of 2008, we have sold more than 2,500 copies. It is clear that people are interested in learning what Marx has to say about why capitalism does not work."
A hundred and fifty years ago, the bishop tells IPS, "Marx predicted globalisation, and saw already the failures of capitalism."
Marxist theorists recall that the financial crisis of 1857 in the U.S. inspired Marx to intensify his studies on finance capital and its cycles of boom and bust. Ten years later, he published Das Kapital, in which he described capitalism as anarchic, irrational and blind competition led by the frantic pursuit of profit and accumulation.
Friday, November 7, 2008
To Lead an Empire

Frank J. Menetrez asks Critical questions for Obama:
Will Obama stand up to Wall Street on the regulation of the financial services industry?
Will Obama stand up to the insurance companies and enact meaningful health care reform?
Will Obama stand up to the neocons and remove US troops from Iraq? What long term role does he envision for the US in Iraq?
Will Obama stand up to AIPAC and demand an equitable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Frank J. Menetrez : as a black man, an alleged Muslim, a known associate of former terrorists, and so on, Obama will presumably feel more than the average amount of political pressure to demonstrate unequivocally that he is a good “friend of Israel,” just as Democratic politicians like Bill Clinton have so often supported reactionary “law and order” policies (like Clinton’s so-called Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act) to try to prove they’re not “soft on crime.”
Art work by Allan Burch
Tariq Ali on the symbol and the substance of Obama's victory.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Is there life after the spectacle?
Franklin "Chuck" Spinney, a former military analyst for the Pentagon who now lives on a sailboat in the Mediterranean, dissects the strategic principles underlying Obama's victory. Obama suceeded in seizing the mantle of Mom and Apple Pie while McCain couldn't figure out if he was a "Maverick" or a "Party Man," a proud "Liberal Republican" in the mold of TR and the Trust Busters, or a proud "Conservative Republican" in the mold of Reagan (come now Mac, give it to me straight, is Govt the problem or the solution??).
Tom Engelhardt reflects on the posts-election let down: What do we do now? (I suppose there is always the Palin 0-12 race to get excited about. Who's up, who's down in that race??) Engelhardt references Tod Gitlins's Media Unlimited: How the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives in discussing efforts to come to terms with life after the "election."
Bacevich predicts that with the election of Obama we have chance to put an end to the Evangelical foreign policy. Let's hope so.
Amy Goodman suggest that Palin may now have a sense of what a "community organizer" does- maybe she could send a note to Rudi.
What will the GOP do? The Party seems to have exploded. The glue holding the neo-cons, free marketeers, and Christian fundamentalists together seems to have grown dry and brittle. This problem first revealed itself in the primary: neocons split between McCain and Rudi, Free Marketeers behind Mit, and and fundamentalist base behind Huckabee. Now that the whole thing seems to be caving in, which way will the party go? More to the center? Will it be more inclusive and moderate (think more "Red Eye," less Brit Hume)? Back to the compassionate conservatism/ kinder, gentler GOP? Or will the party radicalize, and embrace the angry populism of Caribou Barbie and Joe Plummer? My guess is that the system is in a state of flux and that the elements are polarizing. The GOP will tap into that angry populism- as it seems to be the only thing that generates an emotional charge: Grandiose dreams of "democratizing the Middle East" seem frivolous as Americans watch their retirement savings go down the drain; charges of socialism seems to have lost there sting as the "free market" seems to have lost its appeal; but economic hard times, and the visible limits to American power will continue to aggravate conservative middle class anxieties, and christian fundamentalists will feed on this anxiety, look for scapegoats and put their faith in Messianic appeals to God and Country.
What will the Left(s) do? Will they keep quiet out of deference to the new leader as he repays all those who put him in office? Or will they demand that he put some meat on those "change" bones?
I must say that all the talk of Rahmbo and Larry Summers is a pretty disappointing start. On Rahmbo, Angry Arab posts this:
"In Congress, Emanuel has been a consistent and vocal pro-Israel hardliner, sometimes more so than President Bush. In June 2003, for example, he signed a letter criticizing Bush for being insufficiently supportive of Israel. "We were deeply dismayed to hear your criticism of Israel for fighting acts of terror," Emanuel, along with 33 other Democrats wrote to Bush. The letter said that Israel's policy of assassinating Palestinian political leaders "was clearly justified as an application of Israel's right to self-defense" ("Pelosi supports Israel's attacks on Hamas group," San Francisco Chronicle, 14 June 2003)." (thanks Eletronic Ali)
Monday, November 3, 2008
There must be someway outta here said the Joker to the Thief
Some highlights (perhaps I'll elaborate more):
Empire is about "the loss of sovereignty... the metropolitan domination of the weaker economy (and its political and social superstructure) to ensure the extraction of economic rewards." (15)
Montesquieu's principle [was] that liberty could exist only in a small state. Madison boldly argued the opposite: that empire was essential to freedom." (45)
TJ flirts with the idea of direct redistribution of property- but ultimately backed off from this proposition- and advocated imperial expansion on the frontier as an alternative to a direct confrontation with the Power of Money. (57)
"an honest imperialist is surely preferable to an apologetic, let alone a disingenuous, imperialist." (84)
As for the War of the States, Williams says: "let the South go. Or, for that matter, let the north leave first." But instead Lincoln "made a deal with the Devil." He could have his empire (of "freedom" of course...) only if he "was willing to destroy the southern culture based on slavery." Unfortunately, Lincoln's quick victory did not materialize. Lincoln rolled the dice with the devil and lost. Lincoln and his men "established a strategic tradition of destroying the opponent's society that caused so much trouble - and horror - America's later wars... It was brilliant military strategy and miserable morality." 87-89
Sen James Doolittle: "the surplus of free land 'will postpone for centuries, if not forever, all serious conflict between capital and labor." 90
But in fairness, "One may doubt that even Karl Marx could have done so [devised a persuasive non-imperial alternative to empire as a way of life]. Indeed, Marx would have probably shrugged his shoulders (and ideology) and said only that socialism is unimaginable, let alone pragmatically possible, until capitalist empire has run its course."97
And so TR, Taft and Wilson devised an image as a "global policeman" to replace the continental empire that had reached its limits. 124
It was Hoover who understood the limits of empire- Hoover understood that Wilson's "New World Order" was a fool errand, and had no interest in confronting every outburst of revolutionary nationalism the world over, but he was outgunned in the face of superior Democratic opposition. 139-142
Instead FDR blamed him for the problems endemic to capitalism- and sought to discredit his philosophy, and once and for all put to bed any notion that there were limits to American power.
FDR's New Deal did not generate peacetime recovery -- let alone a new burst of growth and prosperity. Most Americans realized, privately if not publicly, that the economy was revived only through WWII." (148). His first move was to reverse Hoover's policy of cutting military spending by dramatically expanding US war spending (in 1933!). "In the broader, structural sense, the New Deal created an institutional link between the huge companies and the military." 150. FDR "was simply a charming upper-class disingenuous leader who understood that marketplace capitalism had proved incapable of functioning without being subsidized by the taxpayer. And he could not imagine anything beyond marketplace capitalism." 150. "The point is that, while it was a New Deal, it was not a different game. The imperial outlook had once again become a vision of progress for everyone." 151.
on WWII, FDR had a choice, admit we are an empire and fight like an empire (open a second front in France in 1942) or dissemble and try to trick the Russians into fighting for us. He chose the later. While the Russians lost 20 million people, the US gained 20 million new jobs. Americans had never lived so as as they lived during WWII. Oh, if only the war could be kept going forever... The US lost 405,399 men and inherited a world scarred by colonialism. 167-168
Is this deeply iconoclast interpretation of American history simply Williams' nostalgia for his Great Depression era youth? In many ways the book reads like a call to reenter the Great Depression and figure out a new way out of it. One not predicated on global expansion, and the unholy alliance of State and Corporate power.