Talk about government of AIPAC, by AIPAC, and for AIPAC. Wow:
First Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden as Veep, Rahm Israel Emanuel as CoS, Hillary "let's build and Apartheid Wall and invade Iraq" Clinton as SecState, and Joe "let's save Western Civ from Islamo-Fascism" Leiberman as a top "Dem" on the hill... Where will "AIPAC's lawyer" Dennis Ross (the one who wrote Obama's AIPAC speech) end up?
oh but not to worry, Obama's read Team of Rivals... so he has a healthy respect for having diversity of opinions around him: I'm sure a breakthrough in America's relationship with the Mid East is just around the corner.... "change" (you can believe in) is coming. i'm sure Rashid Khalidi, Ali Abunimah, Bob Malley, Bill Quandt, Bill and Kathleen Christi will be given a "seat at the table" and will be able to "balance out" out the AIPAC hawks in the room... yeah, and I've got a mortgage backed security to sell you.... what was it they were were so fond of saying back in the 60s, something about, "we turned a corner," or something about a "light at the end of the tunnel," or "critical turning point" .... something like that. something to the effect of: just be patient, "change" is coming, we're winning, so sit down, shut up and don't ask any questions...
but you know, on second thought, maybe the Dems are right. Bipartisanship IS, after all, a supreme virtue. how else would we have gotten the joys of the Cold War, the GWOT, the Patriot Act, the $700 billion bank heist, ect.... Maybe we shouldn't "look back, we want to look forward," right? yeah that's great logic. why would anyone ever want to look backward? What could you possibly learn by looking backward? Forget about the past. the past is over. It has nothing to do with the present. What good could possibly come from looking back to (say) america's experience with Vietnam? The Phillipines, El Salvador, or countless other places (Alabama, Ukiah, etc...)? What could we possibly learn by looking at those sad and "divisive" experiences in American history? Can't the Republicans and the "Me Too Party" just get along? Why on earth should a "people of plenty" ever become engaged in any kind of social conflict?
The Christisons are not exactly enamoured with this logic.
Bill and Kathleen Christison are ashamed to say that years ago they were both analysts with the CIA. In recent years Bill has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies, while Kathleen for over 30 years has written on Middle East Affairs. She is the author of two books on Palestinians and U.S. policy on Palestine-Israel. Bill and Kathleen visit Palestine frequently and are joint authors of a book, forthcoming in mid-2009 from Pluto Press, on the Israeli occupation and its impact on Palestinians, with over 50 of their photographs.
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